Return Policy for Amazon

Most items that are new and unopened are eligible for return within 30 days of delivery to Amazon for a full refund.

Return Policy for Shopping

Amazon only accepts returns for items purchased directly from Amazon;

  • If you purchased an item from a third-party vendor via,
  • You will need to consult the vendor’s return policy.

After you’ve followed the prompts in the Online Returns Center link above:

  1. Prepare your package for return.

Pack your item securely, inserting any paperwork that was included when you requested your return from the Online Returns Center. If you don’t have the original product packaging, use a sturdy box and include padding such as packing bubbles or newspaper. Attach your return label to the package.

     2. Ship your return based on the return shipping option you selected.

For more information on the return shipping options, go to About Return Shipping.


Return a Gift

The Online Returns Center allows gift recipients to return items even if the order wasn’t marked as a gift when it was purchased. The type of refund or credit you receive depends on how the gift was purchased and how it’s returned. Gift recipients won’t be eligible for exchanges or instant refunds.

Note: Need to return a gift? Start a Gift Return

To return a gift:

Go to the Online Returns Center.
Select Return a gift and sign-in with your Amazon account.

Enter the gift’s order number and select Search.
Your 17-digit order number (or “Order ID”) is found on the left side of your packing slip. If you don’t have the packing slip, you can contact us. We’ll ask for information to help us locate the order, such as the tracking number, sender’s name, shipping address, email address or phone number, if available. This type of information can usually be found on the shipping box.


Visit the Amazon return policy online here | Amazon Return Policy

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